Hourly wages in the motion picture & recording industries in the U.S. 2007-2023
In 2023, the average hourly income for employees in the motion picture and recording industries in the United States was 37.34 U.S. dollars, down from 42.42 U.S. dollars a year earlier. That value was the lowest recorded since the pandemic.
Average hourly earnings of all employees in the motion picture and sound recording industries in the United States from 2007 to 2023 (in U.S. dollars)
table column chart
Characteristic | Average hourly earnings in U.S. dollars |
2023 | 37.34 |
2022 | 42.42 |
2021 | 41.23 |
2020 | 42.61 |
2019 | 37.78 |
2018 | 35.64 |
2017 | 34.02 |
2016 | 31.84 |
2015 | 29.9 |
2014 | 30.26 |
2013 | 29.64 |
2012 | 27.72 |
2011 | 27.68 |
2010 | 28.02 |
2009 | 27.98 |
2008 | 26.01 |
2007 | 26.18 |
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Laura Carollo
Research expert covering cinema and film
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Statistics on " Film industry in the United States and Canada "
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- Box office market share of Sony in the U.S. & Canada 2000-2023
- Box office revenue of Warner Bros. in the U.S. & Canada 2000-2023
- Box office revenue of Paramount in the U.S. & Canada 2000-2023
- Box office revenue of 20th Century Fox in the U.S. & Canada 2000-2020
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- Tickets sold at box offices in the U.S. & Canada1980-2023
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- Distribution of lead actors in movies in the U.S. 2011-2023, by gender
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Movie theaters & tickets
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- Basic Statistic Tickets sold at box offices in the U.S. & Canada1980-2023
- Basic Statistic Number of cinema screens and movie theaters run by Cineplex Inc. Canada 2019-2023
- Premium Statistic Number of cinema screens and movie theaters run by Marcus Theatres 2017-2022
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- Premium Statistic Number of screens in Canada 2014-2020, by province 2022
- Basic Statistic Consumer spending on movie tickets in the U.S. 1999-2023
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- Basic Statistic Evolution of moviegoing experience in the U.S. 2023
- Premium Statistic Reasons why infrequent moviegoers do not regularly go to the movies in the U.S. 2022
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- Basic Statistic Share of opening night and weekend moviegoers in Canada 2023, by age
- Basic Statistic Employment in the motion picture & sound recording industries in the U.S. 2001-2024
- Basic Statistic Hourly wages in the motion picture & recording industries in the U.S. 2007-2023
- Basic Statistic All-time top-grossing actors in the U.S. & Canada 2024, by total domestic box revenue
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