If you’re looking for solutions and options for mortgages you originate that are secured by condominium units, we have a review process that lets you easily determine project status with comprehensive criteria.
Project eligibility requirements include items such as financial viability, the residential nature of the project (for example, does the project also include commercial space, hotel operation, business income, etc.), and the ownership structure.
Use this form to find out if a condominium project has been assigned a Not Eligible status or to initiate an appeal of an existing Not Eligible status.
Important Notice DisclaimerThe information on this page is not part of, and is not a replacement or substitute for, the requirements found in the Freddie Mac Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide and your other Purchase Documents.
Determining Condominium Project and Mortgage Eligibility 1. Make sure you comply with our condominium project review and general condominium project eligibility requirements in Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide (Guide) (See Section 5701.2 for full details).
2. Determine if the mortgage meets the requirements in Section 5701.7, Exempt From Review or the project meets the requirements for condominium projects with a Project Certified status PAR finding in Section 5701.7.
1 An Established Condominium Project is a Condominium Project in which:
2 A New Condominium Project is a condominium project in which:
3. Follow our condominium delivery requirements (See Section 5701.12 for more information).
Read our factsheets:
If a Seller determines that a condominium unit in an established condominium project does not meet certain Freddie Mac project eligibility requirements and concludes that the condominium unit is still adequate collateral for the mortgage transaction, see Section 5701.1 for information on requesting Freddie Mac to consider a waiver of certain project eligibility requirements.
If a Seller wants to obtain feedback regarding an established condominium project’s compliance with the project review requirements that Condo Project Advisor assesses, see Section 5701.10 for more information.
Sellers may also contact their Freddie Mac account representative for more information as well as refer to the Condo Project Advisor web page and Condo Project Advisor FAQs. Refer to Guide Chapter 5701 for our complete requirements for condominiums.
Learn more about the responses that reflect the Not Eligible Status in Condo Project Advisor ® across various Freddie Mac Loan Advisor® tools and next steps.
Frequently asked questions about solutions and options for mortgages secured by condominium units.
Request unit-level exceptions (PWRs) for existing condominium projects and obtain feedback (PARs) regarding existing condominium projects’ compliance with certain project review requirements early in the loan origination process so you can close more condominium loans.
Easily determine project status with comprehensive criteria. Download our Condominium Unit Mortgages and Project Reviews fact sheet.
You may want to use this optional form (full-length version) to collect information from HOAs.
Review the addendum to the condominium questionnaire - full form.
Make sure you comply with our condominium project review and general condominium project eligibility requirements in Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide (Section 5701.2).
This tutorial provides information regarding a Seller’s or authorized HOA representative’s request of the condominium project status and/or to request an appeal.
Using multiple scenarios, this short tutorial will help you understand our requirements regarding critical repairs and evacuation orders.
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